Thermal and lighting perception in four fully glazed office buildings in Santiago, Chile


  • Claudio Vásquez Záldivar School of Architecture, Catholic University of Chile, Providencia, Santiago
  • Felipe Encinas Pino School of Architecture, Catholic University of Chile, Providencia, Santiago
  • Alejandro Prieto Hoces School of Architecture, Catholic University of Chile, Providencia, Santiago
  • Carlos Aguirre Nuñez School of Architecture, Desarrollo University, san carlos de Apoquindo, Las Condes, Santiago




This paper is part of a general research project whose main objective is to establish a baseline for post-occupancy energy consumption and indoor environmental quality for office buildings in Santiago, Chile. This study aims at understanding how architectonical variables relate to, and can even determine, user comfort perception.  Thus, one-year continuous monitoring in several floors at four office buildings was performed and seasonal surveys were completed.  Survey participants were asked a series of questions regarding spatial orientation and comfort perception in their workspace.

The data from the comfort survey and onsite measurements such as season of the year, case study, type of workspace and possibility of an outdoor view from the workstation were contrasted with the components obtained by a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Three components were selected from the PCA, and three Maps of Perception (MP) were produced. These maps were then analyzed and interpreted so as to obtain information on the general perception of thermal and lighting comfort at workspaces within several office buildings in Santiago.

How to Cite

Vásquez Záldivar, C., Encinas Pino, F., Prieto Hoces, A., & Aguirre Nuñez, C. (2013). Thermal and lighting perception in four fully glazed office buildings in Santiago, Chile. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, 1(1-2), 31–51.







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