A holistic assessment
deep renovation, prefabricated façade, structural performance, thermal performance, fire performanceAbstract
The residential sector is responsible for the largest share of global energy consumption, while the existing building stock in Europe is relatively old. This issue, in combination with the low rate of new constructions, highlights the necessity for deep renovation of existing buildings to reach NZEB standards. At the same time, in the last decades, off-site prefabricated solutions have gained popularity in the building market, allowing the reliable and effective integration of diverse components and reducing the total renovation cost and occupants’ disturbance. The current study describes three all-in-one “Plug & Play” prefab renovation solutions and their assessment in terms of thermal, static, acoustic, and fire performance. The assessing performance is selected depending on their incorporated element as well as the national regulations of the country where the renovation solution is going to be installed. The assessment aims to ensure their characteristics’ satisfaction with the European and national requirements. In parallel, the assessment identifies the accurate behaviour of prefab façade systems both in passive and active mode and improves/optimises any possible design drawbacks.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ioannis A. Atsonios, Emmanouil Katsigiannis, Andrianos Koklas, Dionysis Kolaitis, Maria Founti, Charalampos Mouzakis, Constantinos Tsoutis, Daniel Adamovský, Jaume Colom, Daniel Philippen, Alberto Diego

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Authors or their institutions retain copyright to their publications without restrictions.
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