greened cooling cladding, urbanisation, climate change, greening of claddings, architectural bionicsAbstract
This paper deals with the greening of claddings and the cooling of buildings from the perspective of a bionic scientist or an industrial designer. Reflections on a new building cover shall early enough show an approach to the containment of future problems in the often predicted ‘urban future’. The development of a concept for a greened cooling cladding happens through the transition of bionic-mathematical principles, which have been considered only a little here so far. The paper begins with a summary of the public debate about the topics urbanization and climate change. The section 'greening of claddings' shall illustrate a smarter, future-orientated idea for the building sector. The section of architectural bionics shows the potentials of nature’s principles of construction, originating millions of years ago, and it analyses relevant bionic principles in full detail. To conclude, the author’s iterative concept development for a bionically-mathematically inspired, greened cooling cladding is explained and the obtained findings are discussed. In addition, further development potentials are considered.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Johann Paar, Alexander Petutschnigg

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