The mechanical response of post-tensioned glass beams is explored in this paper. This is done through bending experiments on post-tensioned glass beam specimens with either mechanically anchored or adhesively bonded steel tendons by which a beneficial pre-stress is inflicted on the glass beams. In addition, reference beams with identical geometry but without tendons are tested. From the results of the bending experiments it can be seen that the post-tensioned glass beams reach higher initial fracture loads than the reference glass beams. Furthermore, the post-tensioned glass beams develop a significant post-fracture reserve. From this it is concluded that post-tensioning a glass beam is a feasible concept, which provides increased initial fracture strength and enhanced post-fracture performance.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Christian Louter, Jagoda Cupac, Jean-Paul Lebet

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Authors or their institutions retain copyright to their publications without restrictions.
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