Unglazed Solar Thermal Systems for Building Integration, coupled with District Heating Systems. Conceptual Definition, Cost and Performance Assessment


  • Mikel Lumbreras Mugaguren EHU/UPV
  • Roberto Garay Tecnalia
  • Koldobika Martin University of the Basque Country





solar systems, thermal energy, building integration, energy systems


In this paper, the energy performance of a solar thermal (ST) façade system is studied in relation to its connection to a district heating system. This concept allows for the direct use of ST heat in the building, while taking profit from the network for delivery/selling of excess heat and purchase of heat during periods of underproduction. The use of unglazed collectors for low-intrusive architectural interaction in façades is discussed.

Studies are carried out on the heat production of the system and its capacity to cope with local demands. Economic studies are carried out in order to balance the investment and operational costs/profits of the system.

How to Cite

Mugaguren, M. L., Garay, R., & Martin, K. (2018). Unglazed Solar Thermal Systems for Building Integration, coupled with District Heating Systems. Conceptual Definition, Cost and Performance Assessment. Journal of Facade Design and Engineering, 6(2), 119–131. https://doi.org/10.7480/jfde.2018.2.2085




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