Façade, Indoor comfort, Light shelves, Insertion Loss, Acoustic absorption, DaylightingAbstract
External sun shading devices are increasingly used in sustainable buildings to reduce the greenhouse effect in the summer and the glare effect due to direct solar irradiation through transparent surfaces. The acoustic effects of these devices have been investigated in recent studies that suggest the possibility of optimising these elements to improve acoustic comfort in indoor environments, even with open windows. Nevertheless, there are few studies that analyse the combined effect of these devices on acoustic attenuation and improved daylighting.
In this paper, the results of acoustics and daylighting simulations are reported, considering different dimensions, distances of the louvres and orientations of the façade. The main results of previous works concerning the effect of lining the bottom side of each louvre with sound-absorbing material are also briefly summarised. The acoustic effects of different configurations of the louvres are evaluated in terms of Insertion Loss in the façade plane. For the lighting simulations (daylight factor, daylighting uniformity and daylight glare probability), the variation of the shielding effect is studied considering the spacing between the louvres and the orientation of the façade for different times and seasons for latitude in the South of Europe.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Simone Secchi, Patrizio Fausti, Gianfranco Cellai, Martina Parente, Andrea Santoni, Nicolò Zuccherini Martello

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Authors or their institutions retain copyright to their publications without restrictions.
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