kinetic architecture, bistability, snap-through, carbon-fibre laminates, kinetic shadingAbstract
Bistable laminates are composite structures that exhibit more than one static configuration, showing a "snap-through" behaviour that results from residual stresses generated during the curing process. This study focuses on finding adequate fibre and laminate arrangements for bistable laminates used in functional kinetic shadings. We present a study with a mixed-methods approach, combining experimental prototyping and performance simulation studies. We fabricated and analysed the geometry of a series of prototypes, conducting daylight studies to assess the performance of different laminates and fibre arrangements and showing how specific fibre arrangements can help control daylight throughout the day. We concluded that controlling fibre arrangements of bistable laminates could increase the functionality of bistable kinetic shadings in terms of daylight control, leading to more differentiated shapes between their two stable states, which corresponds to the open and closed positions of the shadings. Increasing such a difference increases the range of system configurations and, therefore, the ability to respond to various external lighting conditions and internal user requirements.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Elena Vazquez, Jose Duarte

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