Facade element, micro-reinforced UHPC, mineralized protein foam concrete, energy efficiency, thermal insulation, energy management, energy activationAbstract
Today, an increase of the energy efficiency in the industry is typically achieved by separate, parallel measures, primarily on the level of the individual machines. Energy efficiency can be improved by a holistic, integrated approach, which links the machines, the production process, the technical infrastructure and the building and its envelope.
The subject of this paper is the development of a new prefabricated element for façades and roofs, which was developed and built in the context of a research project called eta-Fabrik (i.e. energy-efficient factory, at TU Darmstadt, Germany. The element consists of purely mineral materials (concrete) and can be energetically activated by capillary tubes integrated in the surface layer. This surface layer consists of a micro-reinforced, ultra-high-performance concrete (mrUHPC) to achieve a low component thickness due to its high mechanical capacity, resistance against thermal changes, surface quality and low permeability. The core of the element is responsible for insulation. For this, a mineralized protein foam (MF) is used. It provides very good thermal insulation properties due to its eminently low density allowing low heat transfer coefficients. The final façade element thus combines limiting, bearing, insulating and thermal activation using concrete.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Andreas Maier

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